Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Smashing the 4-8 Game

Yes, you can still play 4-8 hold 'em in the Tri-Cities. For the last couple of weeks Jokers has been offering live 4-8 after the 12:30 tournament on Saturdays. I had played (sort of) in the monthly tournament of champions and after getting busted out, I decided to play 4-8 for the first time in forever.

I started with $75 and had no luck at all. I thought maybe I should stick to tournaments. However, I decided in the end that I should make ONE rebuy and try again. Never give up. Never surrender. Never get out of the boat (G_ _ damned right)(see "Apocalypse Now").

I rebought for $100 and was immediately glad that I did. I was so lucky (or skilled - whatever) that I had a hard time losing a pot. As an example, I had a set of queens hold up on a board that had 3 straight cards and 3 hearts. Wow!

Three hours later I cashed out (after basically breaking up the game which was not my intent) for $535. This was a $360 profit or $120 per hour. Good grief, I wish I could make that kind of money all the time. I could quit work - LOL!

It was a lot of fun playing 4-8 again and not just because I won big. It's just super cheap entertainment compared with a 2-20 game. I've noticed that players around here tend to play 2-20 like a 4-8 game anyway, so why not play for cheap? I may have to do this more often.

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