Friday, September 12, 2014

One (of many) Reasons to Avoid the Crazy Moose Spread Limit Game

The Crazy Moose is doing one of their free roll tournaments.  To qualify you must have a minimum of 30 hours live play and be one of the top 60 players with 30+ hours.  I am avoiding it like the plague.  I used to really like the limit game when it was 3-6 or 4-8.  The 2-20 spread limit game?  Not so much.

The main reason I find the 2-20 game so annoying is that MOST of the players play it like a 4-8 game and continue to chase anything and everything to the river, even though (at a minimum) playing to the river could cost $80 ($20 pre-flop, $20 on the flop, $20 on the turn and $20 on the river) instead of $24 in a 4-8 game.  I give you the example of a hand involving me and Hai.  I hear you groaning already.

I had QQ.  I raised to $15 pre-flop and got 4 callers.  The flop was J-8-3 rainbow.  Excellent.  I fired out $20.  Two people folded.  Hai and somebody else (I forget who) called.  The turn was a 4.  No flush draw.  No straight draw (other than 9-10).  I fired $20 again.  Hai called and the other person folded.  The river was a king.  Aarrgghh.

I checked and Hai fires out $20.  What the fuck!  I call and she turns over AK off-suit.  I calmly (as calmly as I could) asked her, "Are you frickin' serious?"  She looked at me like I was the totally crazy person and said, "I had ace king."  I said, "So what?  You had no hand.  You had no draw.  You had total air and bullshit until the river.  Why did you keep calling me?"  Again, all she said was, "I had ace king."  I just shook my head and took a break.

As good old what's-his-name said at the end of "Bridge on the River Kwai" -Madness!  Madness.