Monday, April 19, 2010

Tournament Number One

Well - as I work for lawyers you would think I would know better than to put anything in writing - LOL. My first tournament was a disaster. I was getting monster cards and having them crushed on the river every time. Because this was a limit tournament, it was simply the wrong time to pick up these big hands. The blinds and betting limits were just too small to keep anyone on a draw from folding. I had aces cracked by a straight on the river, kings cracked by a set of queens, etc. It was a nightmare. I was out by the first break - 1.5 hours. Phooey.

However, I am still confident. I do not believe I played poorly at all - just had atrocious luck and could not get anyone to fold. I think I will do much better in the ladies only tournament tomorrow. It's still in writing. Wish me luck!!

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