Thursday, June 21, 2012

Three for Four!

I have been playing the Tuesday night deepstack at the Island regularly.  May 29:  I took a 3-way split of first place for about $700.  June 5:  I played really badly and got knocked out right before the last two tables.  Bad girl.  June 12:  I took another 3-way split of first for another $700.  June 19:  I took 3rd place for $325.

The third place finish was bittersweet because I had A-10 and my opponent had A-8 which just happens to be the big hand of the past few weeks.  I have won at least 3 big hands from behind with A-8.  He hit his 8 on the river or I would have won.  Phooey.

Nevertheless, I spent $260 on buy-ins for the four tournaments and (after tips and deducting buy-ins) had a profit of just over $1,300 so I really can't complain.  I think I'll keep playing this one.


Phil said...

I must also wean myself from the cash game...not running well, but tournaments are o.k. Playing tonight at home in the Legion tournament. Feelin' lucky.

7 Dewey said...

Go get em!!

Phil said...

Everyone has tells and betting patterns. Some mix it up and give false tells, but that is a tell in itself. Betting patterns can be varied and should be mixed up so they are not obvious, but consistency can be a strength, for instance betting the same amount on draws and made hands. Congrats on the FT's and money. Playing tonight at the Legion hoping for 2 in a row. Will be in Tri-cities on Sunday thru Thursday. Hope to see you.