Monday, June 18, 2012

The Really Sick Hand

Relative to my last posting I wanted to tell about the REALLY sick hand that I won a huge pot with.  I had the 3-4 of hearts.  I can't remember if it was raised pre-flop or not, but I'd been pretty lucky already so if it was I must have called a raise.

The flop was A-Q-6 with 2 hearts, so I basically only had a very small flush draw at that point.  The betting was fast and furious.  I called everything.  The turn was a non-heart 2.  This gave me a gutshut straight draw to go along with my monster (LOL) heart draw.  The betting continued.  I believe there were still four players in the pot and I think Miguel dropped out after the turn card.  I know that Roland was still in and one other guy whose name I can't think of right now.

The river was a black 5 giving me the straight.  There was no flush and the board wasn't paired so I bet out $20 knowing that I had the best hand.  Roland and the other guy basically said, "What the f _ _ _?" at the same time.  I whispered to Miguel, "That was just a totally sick card."  He said, "Oh, I know."

The other guy in the pot said, "OMG 3-4 of hearts?  No way!"  Yet they both called me.  I honestly think the entire table was amazed.  It had to be a pot of at least $400.  Wow.  One had A-Q and Roland had A-6.  Talk about LUCKY!

1 comment:

Phil said...

I actually heard about that hand the next day...from Roland. Very sick.