Monday, July 13, 2009

Fifteen Tournaments in 13 Days

OK, I'm officially insane as you can tell by the title of this post. Yes, it is absolutely true. Some of those 13 days had two or three tournaments. The good part is that I have cashed in about 40% of them, which is what allows me to keep playing so darned many of the stupid things.

I have finally decided that I am my own worst enemy . . . it took me a while to figure that out didn't it? Anyway, I am going to try really hard not to blame anyone but myself for not cashing in a tournament from now on. I did take second place at the Moose on Sunday and played head's up with Frank (no longer "Woodstock") for about 20-30 minutes. That was fun. I will be playing in the 15th tournament tonight. I might play the deep stack tomorrow at The Island. Then there is the $30 with $500 added tournament on Thursday. I'm off to Pendleton for the limit tournament on Friday and MAYBE another no-limit tourney on Saturday. We will see how Friday goes.

I am bound and determined to make a final table in Pendleton . . . wish me lots of luck!!

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