Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another Deep Stack Victory (Sort Of)

After last Tuesday's deep stack victory at The Island, I played pretty crappy for a couple of low buy-in tournaments. I did last a long time in the deep stack at Joker's on the 25th, but made a bonehead play trying to get more chips and went out right before the money in 5th place. Stupid, stupid, stupid . . . .

I made up for it on Sunday, however, taking 2nd in the Cable Bridge deep stack tournament. There were only 2 tables, probably because it was "boat race weekend", but I still made a net profit of $600 so I was totally thrilled with that. I am off to try to make it two in a row at The Island tonight. Wish me luck!! :)

By the way, this will be my 31st tournament this month and there are still 3 days left after today. Good grief!! I am only making the money about 30% of the time, but the payouts are making it worth it.

1 comment:

Phil said...

nice victories, keep it up....am not doing as well on line....see you next week