Monday, December 3, 2012

To Shove or Not to Shove - That is the Question

OMG it is hard to make decisions in this game sometimes.  I finally made it to the final table of the Sunday Crazy Moose deep stack tournament without being the final table bubble girl as per usual.  There were also 2 people knocked out after I got to the final table so I was doing OK.  I only had about 16 big blinds however.  Then this hand came up.

In the big blind (500-1,000) I had 7-8 spades in an unraised pot.  I almost shoved then because I love suited connectors against almost any other hand.  I decided to check my option.

The flop was terrific - 6-9-10 with the 9 and 10 both being spades!!  Not only did I flop a straight, but I had an open-ended straight flush draw.  Did I shove?  Oh hell no.  I had the huge chip leader on the button and I decided to get greedy and get some of his chips.  Stupid woman.  It was checked to the chip leader.  He bet 3,000 and I flat called.

The turn was J clubs.  Not a bad card for me.  Just gives me a bigger straight.  I still have the nut flush draw if I hit a 6 or jack of spades and I have the regular flush draw.  I am unconcerned.  Stupid woman.  Everyone checks this time.

The river is K clubs.  Oh boy.  Check.  Chip leader puts me all in.  Gak.  Groan.  Crap.  Stupid woman calls and sees that chip leader has 10-Q diamonds.  OMG.  So, maybe shoving would never have worked anyway.  If I shove on the flop, he probably calls me with top pair and semi-decent kicker.  It won't hurt his stack much if he loses.  If I shove on the turn, he has top pair and an open-ended straight draw, so again he's probably callling me (although I asked him later and he said he would have folded on the turn if I shoved, which I find hard to believe).

So, what are your thoughts my loyal reader(s)?  How can I get so unlucky as to be beaten by runner runner bigger straight?  When should I have gone all-in (if at all)?  This game is starting to make me more "disturbed".


Phil said...

Where do I start? First of all, 16 big blinds is not in the red zone yet, so take open shove off the table. When you flop big, it is time to bet. If he calls, you can always re-evaluate on the turn. Remember, this is a game of chips, position, and cards....almost in that order. You only have one, and he has the other 2. On the river, the way it played, you really have to make a hero fold. There is no way you are ahead in the hand. Even if you feel that you are pot committed, you can see a lot more hands if you fold. Greed is never good, and if you check/raise all in on the flop, he probably folds (if even a half way decent player). Check calling out of position is just usually a bad idea.

On another note: got spanked again in 2/20 yesterday. Totally f'ing card dead for 2 hours....not a single pot raked. Played Randy tight but just lose chips by the way, did you realize they are now dropping $2 in the player supported jackpot? Told me they changed about a month ago. That is horrible!!!!

Phil said...

RE: Shove comment on tournament....The reason I was ultra short stacked was from attrition, seemed to always get shoves when it was my blind (One guy was attacking mine very aggressively....always seemed to have 2/3 offsuit when he did it), and lots of shoves before I would have the opportunity (unlucky mike). I only had about 8 BB's when I hit the final table, due to one big loss just before. Agree that "shove time" must come earlier or what is the point of getting to FT short stacked.

On the topic of moose droppings (ha, ha), it has always been $3 rake (on over $30 pot), and the $2 is new in PSJ.