Monday, July 30, 2012

A Great Day at the Races

Just kidding.  I don't do boat races, only horse races and only about once a year.  However, it was a great poker weekend.

I went a tad overboard.  I played in SEVEN poker tournaments: Friday afternoon at Jokers, both morning tournaments at the Crazy Moose on Saturday, the Saturday afternoon at Jokers, the Tournament of Champions at Jokers, and both Sunday morning tournaments at the Crazy Moose.

I spent a total of $325 for the 7 tournaments ($46.42 average) and earned $1,120.00.  After a total of $95.00 deducted for tips, I made a profit of $700.00 or about $100.00 per tournament.  I figured that I actually sat at the tables for about 14 hours so that's $50.00 per hour.  I wish I could do that consistently - I wouldn't have to work - LOL!

For the record, I took second place at the Friday Jokers tournament, took a 3-way split of first place at the Crazy Moose 8:00 tournaments on both Saturday and Sunday, and then took second place in the big end-of-the month deepstack at the Moose.

I was bummed on my last hand in that tournament because I had A-J and that's a pretty damn good hand head's up so I limped in because I knew if my opponent had a good hand he would raise me.  As expected, he did exactly that and I re-raised all-in with what I thought was a super good trap.  He had A-A!!!  Great googly moogly.  Oh, well.  It was still a great payday.

1 comment:

Phil said...

A tad??? Hmmm, have to re-examine exactly what a tad is. Great results, guessing most of it came from the big Moose tournament, but not too shabby. Will be in Tri Cities a week from today (Sunday). Got to work hard the first week, but looking to play a ton er tad of tournaments on the weekend.