Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The (Temporary) End of My Poker Career

At least I think it's temporary. As I write this I may never play again. I am just sick & freaking tired of it. Lynne Loves Poker Hates Poker Right Now. The last straw was at Jokers on Sunday.

When I got there at 1:45 for the 2:00 tournament they had 2 Omaha games going and naturally they won't break up a live game for a tournament, so I ended up being a frickin' alternate, which I absolutely hate and I should have just gone home right then. Stupid woman.

I had to wait over an hour to get it. Luckily, this is a 15,000 chip, 15- minute round tournament, so I still had 14,100 chips. I did nothing for about 6 hands. Then I was on the button with SIX limpers and I just shoved it all in with A-Q. Everyone folded. Yippee!

After another couple of hands, I have Q-Q in middle position. There were already 4 limpers so I shoved all-in again. I still believe this was the correct move. Everyone folded except Dr. Miles who had me very well covered. He had A-J diamonds for God's sake. Was he just feeling lucky or what? I would never call an all-in with A-J suited or not. I knew the end was near.

The flop was Q-2-3. Excellent. The turn was a 5. Not good. The river was a 4. Typical. He got his runner-runner straight and I was out of the tournament having played only 2 hands. OUCH!!

However, it was just the icing on the cake. I have just had too much of this crap happening to me lately and (as they said in "Network") - I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!! So, it's break time, at least from tournaments. I seem to do better in cash games, but have no cash, so that's out for now unless some wonderful person wants to loan me $500 to get going.

I have no idea how long this break will be. It could be a week. It could be a month or more. I may not play again until I go to Pendleton. Yes, I made reservations. I'm an idiot. So, I will see you someday. I'm going to go do my yoga now.

1 comment:

Phil said...

I feel your pain. Often after wasting a lot of time and breaking even or worse I make the same vow. Good play seems more rare than donk play and it seems like bad calls get rewarded too often. Hopefully Pendleton will be good to you as there are more good players than bad playing. That said, my luck at Pendleton has been dismal but will try, try again.