Thursday, January 19, 2012

One Mistake Is All It Takes

I played in the deep stack at the Island last Tuesday. At the beginning I couldn't lose. I was playing a lot of low suited connectors because they were hitting & hitting big. My first hand (not raised by anyone) was a 2-3 spades in the cut-off seat. The flop had 4 spades and a 2. A bet was made and I raised & got several callers. On the turn I added a gut-shot straight draw. They all checked to me & I bet again. I got 2 callers. The river brought a spade. Two players called my river bet and I won a nice pot early. I couldn't believe no one had a bigger flush.

This continued for the first 2 hours. I even made what I think was simply a "feel" call holding A-K. One player had been getting beat up pretty bad by me and some of the other players. You could just look at him and tell he wasn't happy. I raised on the button with A-K and he re-raised before the flop. I just called & then I called him all the way to the river because I just knew he was trying to buy it and didn't have anything. Is this woman's intuition or what? He just shook his head when I called and mucked his cards. The player to my right asked me how I could call with A-K and I indicated that I simply didn't know. It was just a "feeling". Good grief.

So then I got stupid or maybe cocky. I honestly don't know. We were down to 3 tables (from 5) and there was a guy (Tim) who raised every other hand and we didn't see a lot of what he was raising with. I've played with him in live games & I know he plays loose-aggressive, but I guess he plays tighter in tournaments because he got me good. This was another of those "feel" situations. I just "knew" he was raising light. I was sick of it because it was really starting to annoy me and therein lies my problem. I get annoyed too easily.

He raised again and I just lost it. I went all-in with A-5 suited and I HAD NO REASON TO DO SO except that I was annoyed and didn't believe him. He insta-called with A-K and knocked me out. This was my ONLY mistake all night and it was the one that did me in. OMG how can I be so stupid? I had plenty of chips. I need to just shake off my annoyance and get over it. This is a problem I really need to work on. I could have easily folded and moved on to the next hand.

1 comment:

Phil said...

I totally get your annoyance factor with the frequent raiser. It is a natural tendency to play back at them hard. Too bad he had a "real hand" that time, mostly it was probably KJ or KQ and you would have been ahead. Check out my newest post (not the one about Ali)...I am writing it in a few minutes. Also, thank you for the early birthday poem, very good!!!