Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Changing the Way I Do Things

I've decided I play too much poker. I'm only going to play deep stack tournaments from now on. By deep stack I mean starting chips of 5,000+ and blind rounds of at least 15-20 minutes. I feel that I get to play more poker this way instead of the stupid ram & jam necessary in the short stack 10-minute round tournaments. The deep stacks also pay better and they are not that much more expensive.

Thus, I will probably play only once or twice a month at the Moose ($60) and once or twice a month elsewhere (Jokers for $40 or Island for $65 probably). My goal is to get damned serious and start winning more of these so I can play bigger and bigger tournaments. I would really like to play in more of the Pendleton tournaments or up in Spokane at Northern Quest's Best of the West, but I never seem to hold onto any of my winnings very long.

So, my goal over the next several months is to basically play ONLY tournaments, ONLY deep stack tournaments and to SAVE my damned winnings, which will be the hardest part believe me because I love to blow money. Don't we all?

For starters, I'm playing in the $100 buy-in at Pendleton on Friday, November 4. That's the only one I can afford to play in unless I make lots of money in the tournament. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Phil said...

What you are saying makes a lot of sense. The "morning moose" is really a joke, I like to play it just to warm up for the cash game which I miss if deep in the tournament anyway. Pretty much hate the cash game, but when you are a poker degenerate that is your lot in life. Playing small stakes online again made me realize that I am a much better tournament player than cash anyway. Also, you are right, besides offering the chance to actually play )poker vs. shovefest, the deeper stack more expensive tournaments feature better players, i.e. people who usually respect position, bluff (but who also can be bluffed) vs. the total donks who play the $25 tournaments (not mentioning names, Donna). Good luck in Pendleton, wish I was there, returning from India on the 12th and probably getting to TC on the 15th.