Monday, April 11, 2011

Tooting My Own Horn

This is my pat on the back for the past month. The Island had a ladies only tournmant last year, but they stopped it in December. After many requests, they restarted on Thursday nights 4 weeks ago with a couple of changes. The cost went from $20 to $25 and antes have been added starting at the 200-400 level. We still start with 3,000 in chips and blind rounds are 15 minutes. The first week I placed 2nd. The second week I busted out of the money holding aces when I moved all-in on a jack high board. My opponent had a set of 10s. Phooey. The third week I placed second again. Last week I won! So, in 4 weeks, I have cashed 1st or 2nd 3 times. I may just play ladies only tournaments from now on! Wish me luck on the 14th - week 5. This is not a lot of money after buy-ins and tips, but I still have a $415 profit. I am not complaining. :)

1 comment:

Phil said...

Great job, you are the queen of the ladies (and men too).