It's official. I'm a poker idiot. I was the first person out at the Joker's 2:00 tournament on Sunday & that's very unusual for me and probably hasn't happened in over 3 years.
My first idiot hand was A-K. I raised the big blind 3x and got 4 callers for a pot of $750 or so. Flop was Q-8-3. I C-bet $300 when it was checked to me and then got check raised the minimum to $600. Did I fold? Oh, no. I reraised to $1800 hoping to induce a fold and representing a big hand. All this got me was 2 free cards, the last of which was my ace and I got stupid again and bet $2000 (we start with 15k in this one & it was early). I was called and he had Q-8 for a flopped 2 pair. Eeeek.
I played a couple of hands after that, mostly folding after the flop. I got bored and ended up playing a Q7 suited in clubs for the extremly stupid reason that it had been a really good hand for me the last time I played when I won with it 3 times. The super stupid part was that I called a raise with it. (Blinds were 50-100 at this point & the raise was to 300. I was on the button.)
The flop was 7-7-5. Yippee!! There were 3 players in the hand. The original raiser (under the gun) bet 300 again. Evan on my right flat called. I raised to 1,000. The original raiser folded and Evan flat called again. The turn was a 3 and Evan checks. I bet 1,000. He raises to 3,000. I call. The river is a jack or queen or some such face card. As quick as lightning, Evan shoves all-in with a big sigh. He has me covered.
I think he's full of it but I think about it for 2 minutes. I call. He has 7-5 and flopped the full house. I don't even show my hand. I say nothing & just get up and walk out, thoroughly embarrassed with myself. Sometimes I seriously think I should just quit. On the other hand, Evan made a bad call pre-flop too, so I guess we get what we get.
Monday, September 12, 2011
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